A farmer recently sold a large plot of land. The sale decreased his total acreage by 10​%. Let x be the original acreage. Find two equivalent expressions that will give the new acreage. Use pencil and paper. Use the expressions to describe two ways to find the new acreage.

Let's find two equivalent expressions for the new acreage after selling 10% of the original acreage.

Method 1:
We know that the sale decreased the farmer's total acreage by 10%. In other words, the new acreage is 90% of the original acreage (100% - 10%). Therefore, the new acreage can be expressed as:

Method 2:
We can also calculate the amount sold and subtract it from the original acreage to find the new acreage. Since 10% of the original acreage was sold, the amount sold is 0.1x. Subtracting this from the original acreage gives us:
x - 0.1x = 0.9x

So, the two equivalent expressions for the new acreage are 0.9x and x - 0.1x. Either of these expressions can be used to find the new acreage.