How do fossil fuels play a role in the carbon cycle?(1 point)


Fossil fuels are rich in carbon, and burning them releases carbon into the atmosphere.
Fossil fuels are rich in carbon, and burning them releases carbon into the atmosphere.

Fossil fuels require a lot of carbon to burn, which releases carbon into the atmosphere.
Fossil fuels require a lot of carbon to burn, which releases carbon into the atmosphere.

Fossil fuels are rich in carbon, and burning them returns carbon to the soil.
Fossil fuels are rich in carbon, and burning them returns carbon to the soil.

Fossil fuels require a lot of carbon to burn, which takes carbon out of the atmosphere.

Fossil fuels require a lot of carbon to burn, which releases carbon into the atmosphere.

How is the majority of carbon transferred from plants and animals to the soil? (1 point)


The decay of dead organisms releases some carbon atoms from their bodies into the soil.
The decay of dead organisms releases some carbon atoms from their bodies into the soil.

Carbon atoms from plant and animal waste dissolve into the soil.
Carbon atoms from plant and animal waste dissolve into the soil.

Carbon dioxide from plant and animal respiration dissolves into the soil.
Carbon dioxide from plant and animal respiration dissolves into the soil.

The decay of dead organisms releases carbon dioxide from their bodies into the soil.

The decay of dead organisms releases some carbon atoms from their bodies into the soil.

Is all of Earth’s carbon dioxide supply constantly being used by organisms?(1 point)


Yes, and it briefly passes through the atmosphere as it cycles between organisms.
Yes, and it briefly passes through the atmosphere as it cycles between organisms.

Yes, and it is used up as soon as it is formed.
Yes, and it is used up as soon as it is formed.

No, some is stored in Earth’s carbon sinks, such as the oceans.
No, some is stored in Earth’s carbon sinks, such as the oceans.

No, some is stored in Earth’s only carbon sink, the atmosphere.

No, some is stored in Earth’s carbon sinks, such as the oceans.

Which of these is the largest living carbon sink?(1 point)







In the government of the European Union, the

is elected by people in the EU and passes laws, while the
is appointed by governments of member countries and proposes legislation.

In the government of the European Union, the European Parliament is elected by people in the EU and passes laws, while the European Commission is appointed by governments of member countries and proposes legislation.

The majority of Muslims in Europe live in

because Islam spread through the region after the rise of the Ottoman empire.

The majority of Muslims in Europe live in Western Europe because Islam spread through the region after the rise of the Ottoman Empire.