Which of the following best describes the economies of the northern and southern states during the 1800

During the 1800s, the economies of the northern and southern states were quite different. The northern states had a more industrialized and commercialized economy, with a focus on manufacturing, trade, and finance. The region had a well-developed transportation system, including canals and railroads, which facilitated the movement of goods and people.

The southern states, on the other hand, had an economy that largely relied on agriculture, particularly the production of cotton. This agricultural system was highly dependent on slave labor, and plantations played a central role in the southern economy. The region had a less developed transportation infrastructure, with fewer canals and railroads compared to the north.

Overall, the northern states had a more diversified and dynamic economy, while the southern states were primarily focused on cotton production and plantation agriculture. These economic differences would later contribute to the divide and tensions between the two regions, ultimately leading to the American Civil War.