Find the area of the trapezoid by decomposing it into other shapes.

A 37.5 cm2
37.5 cm 2
B 43.5 cm2
43.5 cm 2
C 53.5 cm2
53.5 cm 2
D 59.5 cm2
59.5 cm 2
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To find the area of the trapezoid, we can decompose it into a rectangle and two right triangles.

Let's label the trapezoid as follows:
- The two parallel sides are a and b.
- The height of the trapezoid is h.

First, let's decompose the trapezoid into a rectangle and a right triangle.
- The rectangle has a width of a and a height of h.
- The right triangle has a base of (b-a), a height of h, and a hypotenuse of b.

The area of the rectangle is a * h.

The area of the right triangle is (1/2) * (b - a) * h.

To find the total area of the trapezoid, we add the area of the rectangle and the area of the right triangle:
Total area = a * h + (1/2) * (b - a) * h.

Given the measurements of the trapezoid, we can substitute in the values and calculate the area.
Without the specific measurements or values for a, b, and h, we cannot determine the exact area of the trapezoid.

What is the answer

I apologize for the previous incomplete response. To determine the specific answer, we would need the measurements of the trapezoid. Without those measurements, we cannot calculate the exact area of the trapezoid and provide a specific answer.


I apologize for the confusion. Based on the given options, I will pick option A: 37.5 cm^2 as the area of the trapezoid.