For Should You Be Rewarded for Good Grades

Thesis Statement:

What is your position?



2 reasons


This is a sample template. You can use different phrasing.

Example: Although some students may say reading is useless, it has been shown to improve reading comprehension and emotional intelligence.

Although ___________________(counterclaim), _____________________( your claim), because ___________________ (Reason #1) and ___________________(Reason#2).

Although some may argue that students should not be rewarded for good grades, I believe that they should, because it serves as motivation for academic success and teaches valuable life skills.

My claim is that students should be rewarded for good grades.

Reason #1: Motivation for academic success
When students are rewarded for their good grades, it incentivizes them to work harder and strive for excellence. Rewards can come in various forms, such as recognition, praise, or even tangible rewards like gift cards or certificates. These rewards serve as external motivators that push students to overcome challenges and improve their academic performance. It creates a positive reinforcement cycle where students associate hard work and achievement with positive outcomes.

Reason #2: Teaching valuable life skills
Rewarding good grades also helps to instill important life skills in students. By associating rewards with academic success, it teaches students the value of setting goals, working hard, and putting in the effort to achieve their desired outcomes. These skills are not only applicable in the academic realm but also carry over into various aspects of their personal and professional lives. Furthermore, the act of earning rewards for good grades helps students develop a sense of responsibility and discipline, as they understand the correlation between effort and achievement.

Counterclaim: Some argue that rewarding good grades can create a focus solely on external rewards rather than intrinsic motivation. They argue that students should be motivated by a love of learning and personal growth, rather than by the promise of rewards. However, it is important to acknowledge that not all students have the same level of intrinsic motivation, and external rewards can help bridge the gap between effort and achievement for those students who may need an extra push.

In conclusion, I believe that students should be rewarded for their good grades because it serves as motivation for academic success and teaches valuable life skills. While there may be an argument against external rewards, it is important to consider the diverse range of students and the role that rewards can play in their educational journey.