Olivia filled up 8 baskets of blueberries. On the way to the market, one of the

baskets fell and about half of the berries were scattered. If the remaining full
baskets sold for $84, how much did each basket of blueberries cost?

If Olivia filled up 8 baskets of blueberries, and one basket fell, then there were 8 - 1 = <<8-1=7>>7 baskets left.

Since half of the berries in the basket that fell were scattered, then there were 1/2 * 1 = <<1/2*1=0.5>>0.5 less baskets.
Then 7 - 0.5 = <<7-0.5=6.5>>6.5 baskets were sold.
Therefore, each basket cost $84 / 6.5 = $<<84/6.5=12.92>>12.92. Answer: \boxed{12.92}.