The waiting time at an elevator is uniformly distributed between 30 and 200 seconds. Find the mean and standard deviation of the waiting time.

1 point

115 seconds and 49.07 seconds



115 seconds and 2408.3333 (second)2

1.15 minutes and 24.08333 (minute)2

1.15 minutes and 0.4907 minutes

To find the mean of a uniform distribution, you can use the formula (a + b) / 2, where 'a' is the lower bound of the distribution and 'b' is the upper bound. In this case, a = 30 seconds and b = 200 seconds.

Mean = (30 + 200) / 2 = 230 / 2 = 115 seconds

To find the standard deviation of a uniform distribution, you can use the formula (b - a) / √12, where 'a' is the lower bound and 'b' is the upper bound.

Standard Deviation = (200 - 30) / √12 ≈ 170 / 3.464 = 49.07 seconds

Therefore, the correct answer is 115 seconds and 49.07 seconds.