Why was Thomas Jefferson not reelected as President? Can you make it short and simple please? Thank you

Thomas Jefferson was not reelected as President because of unpopular economic policies, controversies involving foreign affairs, and increasing political divisions.

Uhmm a little longer perhaps

Thomas Jefferson was not reelected as President primarily due to a combination of factors. His economic policies, such as the Embargo Act of 1807, which aimed to protect American interests but instead hurt the economy, were highly unpopular and led to widespread economic hardships. Additionally, Jefferson faced significant foreign affairs controversies, such as the Chesapeake-Leopard Affair and the ongoing conflict with Britain and France, which fueled criticism and eroded public support. Furthermore, political divisions intensified during his second term, as Federalist opposition grew stronger and internal conflicts within his own party emerged. These factors ultimately contributed to his failure to secure reelection.