Generate a visually appealing image of four well-stocked grocery store shelves, each displaying a different unnamed brand of goods. The first shelf contains 20 items with a price sign showing $2.50; The second shelf is lined with 35 items with a label of $3.25; The third shelf is densely arranged with 50 items, and a price tag of $5.25; The fourth and final shelf displays an impressive array of 100 items with a $10.00 price marker. The items are colorful, and the shelves are well-organized without any text visible.

Which one is the best buy?

Brand A: 20 for $2.50

Brand B: 35 for $3.25

Brand C: 50 for $5.25

Brand D: 100 for $10.00

To determine the best buy, we can compare the price per item for each brand.

Brand A: 20 for $2.50
Price per item = $2.50 / 20 = $0.125

Brand B: 35 for $3.25
Price per item = $3.25 / 35 ≈ $0.093

Brand C: 50 for $5.25
Price per item = $5.25 / 50 = $0.105

Brand D: 100 for $10.00
Price per item = $10.00 / 100 = $0.10

Considering the price per item, Brand B offers the best buy at approximately $0.093 per item.