Horace has 3 quarters,4 dimes,and 3 Pennie’s.Irwin has one more quarter, half the number of dimes,and twice the number of Pennie’s as Horace.If Irwin gives Horace blank cents, then they would have the same amount of money How many cents does Irwin need

First, let's find out how many cents Horace has in total:

3 quarters * 25 cents = <<3*25=75>>75 cents
4 dimes * 10 cents = <<4*10=40>>40 cents
3 pennies * 1 cent = <<3*1=3>>3 cents
Total: 75 cents + 40 cents + 3 cents = <<75+40+3=118>>118 cents

Now, let's find out how many cents Irwin has in total:
3 quarters + 1 quarter = <<3+1=4>>4 quarters
4/2 = <<4/2=2>>2 dimes
3*2 = <<3*2=6>>6 pennies
4 quarters * 25 cents = <<4*25=100>>100 cents
2 dimes * 10 cents = <<2*10=20>>20 cents
6 pennies * 1 cent = <<6*1=6>>6 cents
Total: 100 cents + 20 cents + 6 cents = <<100+20+6=126>>126 cents

Now we need to determine how many cents Irwin needs to give Horace in order for them to have the same amount.
126 cents - 118 cents = <<126-118=8>>8 cents

Irwin needs to give Horace 8 cents. Answer: \boxed{8}.