Meaning of the term abstract

The term "abstract" can have different meanings depending on the context:

1. In art: An abstract refers to a style of artwork that does not attempt to represent an accurate depiction of visual reality. Instead, it focuses on shapes, forms, colors, and gestural marks, often expressing emotions or ideas rather than representing specific objects or scenes.

2. In academia: An abstract is a brief summary or overview of a research paper, thesis, or article. It typically includes the main points, objectives, methods, and conclusions of the study, and is usually written to help readers decide whether to read the full document.

3. In philosophy: An abstract is a concept or idea that is not tied to any specific concrete object or physical reality. It is often used to discuss concepts that are difficult to define or understand in purely concrete terms, such as justice, love, or beauty.

4. In general usage: "Abstract" can also mean something that is theoretical, conceptual, or removed from practical application. It may refer to ideas or concepts that are not directly related to specific tangible objects or actions.

Overall, the term "abstract" often conveys the notion of something that is non-representational, summary-focused, or conceptual rather than concrete or specific.