Sara graphs a line passing through points that represent a proportional relationship. Which set of points could be on the line that Sara graphs?

The set of points that could be on the line that Sara graphs are points that represent a proportional relationship. In a proportional relationship, the ratio between the y-values and x-values remains constant. Therefore, any set of points where the y-values are a constant multiple of the corresponding x-values could be on the line.

For example, if the line passes through the point (1,2), which means that when x=1, y=2, then the following sets of points could be on the line:
- (2,4), (3,6), (4,8), ...
- (0.5,1), (1.5,3), (2.5,5), ...
- (-1,-2), (-2,-4), (-3,-6), ...

All of these sets of points have a constant ratio of y-values to x-values, which means they represent a proportional relationship and could be on the line that Sara graphs.