calcium nitrate + sulfuric acid =caso4+? write a balanced chemical equation for this reaction including states.

Ca(NO3)2 + H2SO4 ==> CaSO4 + 2HNO3
You don't have enough information to provide states. CaSO4 will be a solid so you write CaSO4(s). H2SO4 will be (l) if it is concentrated acid but (aq) if it is in water solution. Same for HNO3. (s) for Ca(NO3)2 if it is a solid, (aq) if it is a solution, UNLESS your instructor wants you to show ions present.

To write a balanced chemical equation for this reaction, you need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Write the formula for each reactant and product. The formula for calcium nitrate is Ca(NO3)2, and the formula for sulfuric acid is H2SO4. The formula for calcium sulfate is CaSO4.

Step 2: Identify the elements and their respective counts on both sides of the equation. In this case, you have calcium (Ca), nitrogen (N), oxygen (O), sulfur (S), and hydrogen (H).

On the left side of the equation, you have one calcium (Ca), two nitrogen (N), six oxygen (O), two sulfur (S), and four hydrogen (H) atoms.

On the right side of the equation, you have one calcium (Ca), one sulfur (S), six oxygen (O), six nitrogen (N), and six hydrogen (H) atoms.

Step 3: Balance the equation by adjusting the coefficients. Start by balancing the most complex molecule or the one with the most atoms that is not already balanced. In this case, Ca(NO3)2 is the most complex molecule.

Ca(NO3)2 + H2SO4 ⟶ CaSO4 + 2HNO3

Now, the equation is balanced with one calcium atom on both sides, two sulfur atoms on both sides, six oxygen atoms on both sides, and four hydrogen atoms on both sides.

Remember to include the states of matter, indicated by (s) for solid, (l) for liquid, and (aq) for aqueous solution.