Create me a Format 3.Two-way Table of Specification (Earth Science )

|| Assessment Objective | Content Domain |

| ------------------ | ------------- |
| Core Concepts | - Basic concepts and principles of Earth Science |- Geological processes and phenomena |- Climatic patterns and weather systems |
| Skills | - Analyzing and interpreting geological maps and diagrams |- Identifying and classifying minerals and rocks |- Investigating and predicting weather patterns |
| Application | - Applying knowledge of plate tectonics to explain geological features and processes |- Using scientific instruments and tools to measure and collect data |- Constructing and explaining weather models |
| Evaluation | - Critically analyzing scientific articles and research papers related to Earth Science |- Evaluating the impact of human activities on the environment and climate change |- Assessing the reliability and validity of scientific data and evidence |
| Synthesis | - Designing and conducting experiments to investigate natural phenomena and their impacts |- Creating and presenting a comprehensive report on a specific geological event or weather phenomenon |- Developing strategies to mitigate the effects of natural disasters and climate change |