1)Give six channels through which prophets in old testament received Gods revelation

1) Dreams and visions: God often communicated with prophets through dreams and visions, giving them insight and understanding.

2) Audible voice of God: Some prophets, such as Moses, heard the direct, audible voice of God, speaking to them and instructing them.
3) Angelic visitations: Prophets sometimes received revelation through interactions with angels, who delivered messages and instructions from God.
4) Divine inspiration: The prophets were sometimes divinely inspired, with the Holy Spirit guiding and speaking through them to proclaim God's messages.
5) Signs and miracles: God often revealed Himself and His will through miraculous signs and wonders performed by the prophets.
6) Scripture and divine text: Prophets were tasked with recording and writing down God's revelations, which became part of the holy scriptures of the Old Testament, providing guidance and understanding for future generations.