The sum of 38 and twice a number x is 124. What is −2x − 5?

A −101−101
B −91−91
C 4646
D 86

Let the number be x.

According to the given information, the sum of 38 and twice the number is 124.

So we can write the equation as:

38 + 2x = 124

Subtracting 38 from both sides, we get:

2x = 124 - 38

2x = 86

Dividing both sides by 2, we get:

x = 43

Now, we can substitute x = 43 into the expression -2x - 5:

-2(43) - 5 = -86 - 5 = -91

Therefore, the value of -2x - 5 is -91.

The correct answer is option B: -91.