Sea arches and sea stacks provide evidence of weathering and erosion. In three to five sentences, explain the roles weathering and erosion play in creating these landforms.(4 points) \

Weathering is the process by which rocks are broken down into smaller pieces through natural forces such as wind, water, and temperature changes, while erosion involves the transportation of these weathered pieces by forces like wind and water. In the case of sea arches, weathering occurs as the actions of waves cause the rock along the coastline to weaken and break down, creating a gap underneath an overhanging rock. Over time, erosion then wears away at the weakened rock, widening the gap and forming an arch. In the case of sea stacks, weathering and erosion work together to gradually isolate a portion of a headland from the rest of the coastline. As waves batter the headland, they erode the rock mass, wearing it down until only a tall, isolated pillar remains.

write it in 4 sentences

Weathering and erosion play crucial roles in the formation of sea arches and sea stacks. Weathering breaks down the rocks along the coastline, weakening and fragmenting them through natural forces like waves, wind, and temperature changes. Erosion then acts as a transportation process, carrying away the weathered rock fragments. In the case of sea arches, weathering causes the rock to weaken and break, creating a gap that is widened by erosion over time. Sea stacks form when erosion eats away at a headland, leaving behind a tall, isolated pillar of rock.

and write it as a 5th grader

Sea arches and sea stacks are created by weathering and erosion. Weathering is when rocks break down into smaller pieces because of things like waves and temperature changes. Erosion is when these smaller pieces are moved away by things like waves and wind. For sea arches, weathering makes a hole under a rock and erosion widens it into an arch shape over time. Sea stacks are made when erosion wears away a big rock formation until only a tall, separate pillar is left.