_________ Spanish word for the Caddo meaning friend or ally (U3 Lesson 7 page 1)

1709 expedition to the San Antonio river--Tejas did not want missionaries there

The Spanish word for the Caddo meaning friend or ally is "tejido."

_________ of Texas’s 254 counties have Spanish names. (U3 Lesson 7 page 11)

Eighty-seven of Texas's 254 counties have Spanish names.

Negative Effects of native texans

Spanish brought illness and death
Lost their land
Had to adapt a new way of life
Forced to convert their _________ (U3 Lesson 7 page 17)

Forced to convert their religion.

An insurgent is a person who takes action against their ______________.

An insurgent is a person who takes action against their government or the established authority.

With a change in population, American _______ became more popular than Mexican culture.

With a change in population, American culture became more popular than Mexican culture.

Congress passed the State Colonization Law of 1825 to continue to encourage empresario contracts and _____________by Anglos.(U3 Lesson 9 page 13)

Congress passed the State Colonization Law of 1825 to continue to encourage empresario contracts and settlement by Anglos.