Please write or type the definitions of each word below.

author’s purpose




informational text

point of view




text structure

1. Author’s purpose - the intention or objective that the writer has in mind when creating a piece of writing, such as to entertain, inform, persuade, or describe.

2. Cause/effect - the relationship between actions or events where one (the cause) leads to or produces another (the effect).

3. Compare/contrast - the act of identifying similarities (compare) and differences (contrast) between two or more things, concepts, or ideas.

4. Description - a form of writing that provides detailed information about a person, place, thing, or event, often using sensory details and vivid language to create a mental image for the reader.

5. Informational text - a type of writing that presents factual information or knowledge about a specific topic or subject, typically organized in a structured and logical manner.

6. Point of view - the perspective or position from which a story or piece of writing is told, including the narrator's role and their attitudes, beliefs, and experiences.

7. Position - a viewpoint or stance taken by a person on a particular issue or topic, often expressed through writing or speech.

8. Problem/solution - the structure or format of writing where a problem is presented and followed by one or more potential solutions or ways to address the problem.

9. Sequence - the chronological order or arrangement of events, ideas, or steps, usually presented in a logical or time-based progression.

10. Text structure - the way in which a piece of writing is organized or structured, including the arrangement and relationships between ideas, facts, or details.