Can people's attitudes be isolated?

Is this rhetorical? Of course not, however, I know many folks that say so for the sake of ego. Most of them are psychologists or therapists. Some are Republicans.

People usually 'smear' there attitudes all over others, whether others are in the mood for "attitude" or not. <G>

So what does mean? For study and research purposes can attitudes be isolated?

I don't think so. Some will disagree. Attitudes pervade out psyche, they reappear in different circumstances. Often, they hide. This recent Boston "racial profiling" incident. In fact, there appears to be racial profiling on both persons part, but in fact, but deny it.

Attitudes are subjective feelings, beliefs, and evaluations that individuals have towards people, objects, or concepts. While attitudes cannot be physically isolated, they can be identified and studied through various methods such as observation, surveys, and interviews.

To understand and isolate people's attitudes, researchers often use self-report measures such as questionnaires or rating scales. These tools ask individuals to report their attitudes towards specific topics, allowing researchers to categorize and analyze the responses.

Alternatively, attitudes can also be inferred through observing people's behavior. Patterns of actions, verbal expressions, and nonverbal cues can provide insights into a person's attitudes.

It's important to note that attitudes are complex and can be influenced by a range of factors, including personal experiences, cultural influences, social norms, and cognitive processes. Consequently, isolating attitudes is an ongoing area of research where combining various methods and techniques helps gain a more comprehensive understanding.