How might Adele be considered Jane’s alter ego in Jane Eyre

Adele could be considered Jane's alter ego in Jane Eyre for several reasons.

Firstly, Adele is a young, energetic, and passionate character, much like Jane. Both Adele and Jane share a strong sense of self and a desire for independence, despite the restrictions placed upon them by society. They are both resilient and determined to live life on their own terms.

Additionally, both Jane and Adele have experienced feelings of loneliness and abandonment. Jane, as an orphan, and Adele, as an illegitimate child, have had to navigate a world that often rejects them. This shared experience creates a bond between the two characters and serves as a source of strength for both of them.

Furthermore, Adele's presence in the story allows Jane to express her maternal instincts and experience the joys and challenges of motherhood. Through her relationship with Adele, Jane becomes a surrogate mother figure and finds purpose and fulfillment in caring for her. This role as a caregiver mirrors Jane's own journey of self-discovery, as she learns to nurture and love herself.

Overall, Adele serves as a reflection of Jane's inner desires and aspirations. In many ways, she represents the person Jane wishes to be - confident, passionate, and unafraid to live life fully. Adele's presence in the novel allows Jane to explore and embrace these aspects of herself, ultimately leading to her growth and self-actualization.

Can you simplify this in one setence

Adele can be seen as Jane's alter ego in Jane Eyre because they both share traits of resilience, independence, and a desire to overcome societal restrictions, and Adele's presence allows Jane to explore motherly instincts and embrace aspects of herself that she wishes to be.