Determine the final angular speed after an elapsed time of 2s. Initial angular velocity Wo -13.0 rad/s Angular acceleration a -5.0 rad/s^2

We can use the formula for angular motion:

Δω = ωf - ωi = a*t

Δω is the change in angular speed
ωf is the final angular velocity
ωi is the initial angular velocity
a is the angular acceleration
t is the elapsed time

Rearranging the formula, we get:

ωf = ωi + a*t

Plugging in the values:

ωf = -13.0 rad/s + (-5.0 rad/s^2 * 2s)
ωf = -13.0 rad/s - 10.0 rad/s
ωf = -23.0 rad/s

Therefore, the final angular speed after an elapsed time of 2s is -23.0 rad/s.