A train travels at a speed of 50 1/4 miles per hour. If it travels for 6 3/8 hours, how far does it go?

To find out how far the train goes, we need to multiply its speed (50 1/4 miles per hour) by the time it travels (6 3/8 hours).

First, let's convert the speed to an improper fraction:
50 = 50 * 4/4 = 200/4
So, the speed is 200/4 1/4 miles per hour.
To determine how far the train goes, we multiply the speed by the time:
Distance = Speed * Time
Distance = (200/4 1/4 miles/hour) * 6 3/8 hours
To multiply fractions, we multiply the numerators and the denominators separately:
Distance = (200 * 6 + 4/4 * 6 + 1/4 * 6 + 3/8) miles
Distance = (1200 + 24 + 6/4 + 3/8) miles
Distance = (1224 + 1 1/2 + 3/8) miles
To combine the whole numbers with fractions, we find a common denominator of 8:
Distance = (1224 + 4/8 + 3/8) miles
Distance = (1224 + 7/8) miles
Distance = 1231 7/8 miles.
So, the train goes 1231 7/8 miles.