List ten stakeholders involved in the caring for HIV client according to WHO

1. People living with HIV/AIDS: The individuals receiving care and treatment for HIV are one of the primary stakeholders in the process.

2. Family members and caregivers: The family and friends of people living with HIV/AIDS are important stakeholders, as they often play a crucial role in providing support and care.
3. Healthcare professionals: This includes doctors, nurses, and other medical personnel involved in the diagnosis, treatment, and care of people with HIV.
4. Pharmaceutical companies: These companies play a significant role in providing antiretroviral drugs and other medications used in the treatment of HIV.
5. Government agencies: Government bodies on the national, regional, and local levels are responsible for developing and implementing policies and programs related to HIV care.
6. Non-governmental organizations (NGOs): NGOs are often involved in providing support, counseling, education, and other services to people living with HIV/AIDS.
7. Community organizations: These groups, ranging from neighborhood associations to advocacy organizations, can help provide support and resources to people living with HIV.
8. Health insurance companies: Insurers may play a role in covering the costs of HIV care, including medications and hospital stays.
9. Researchers and scientists: These individuals are involved in ongoing research to develop new treatments and prevention strategies for HIV.
10. Educators and counselors: Professionals working in schools and community centers may play a role in educating the public about HIV/AIDS, prevention methods, and destigmatizing the condition.