Iggy Azalea pronounce

Iggy Azalea is pronounced "ig-ee ah-zay-lee-uh."

Krystal Mejes pronounce.

Krystal Mejes is pronounced "kris-tuhl meh-hes."

What about CLM?

CLM can be pronounced as "cee-ell-em" or simply by sounding out each individual letter: "C-L-M."

Cimberli? Who Is CLM?

I apologize for any confusion. "Cimberli" is pronounced as "sim-ber-lee." As for "CLM," without further context, it could refer to a variety of things, such as an acronym for a company or organization, initials of a person's name, or even a code or abbreviation used in a specific field. Without more information, it is difficult to determine who or what CLM refers to.

No, Cimberli Is Kim/CLM!!!!!!

I apologize for the misunderstanding. If "Cimberli" is a reference to Kim/CLM, then that is something specific to your context or personal knowledge that I am not aware of. Without further information, it is difficult for me to provide a specific pronunciation or additional details on who Kim/CLM might be.