“Trust me, you’re gonna love her! She’s easily one of the funniest kids in the class,” Darla said. I followed her into the store, listening as she went on and on about a new friend she’d made in dance class. Ever since Darla had chosen ballet and I’d joined the swim team, we’d been spending a lot less time together.

This was why I was so surprised to find out she’d invited her new friend, Elliot, to join us at the mall.

“There she is, Maya!” she said, running ahead to a girl dressed head to toe in different shades of pink. I watched as Darla threw her arms around Elliot. Both girls were practically squealing with excitement. Didn’t they just see each other last week? I thought, a little annoyed.

“This is the amazing Elliot,” Darla said with a big grin. Elliot reached over and gave me a hug, too. When she pulled back, she reached out and touched my hair. “Wow! Your curls are so pretty! I’d love to have hair like yours!” she said. I smiled and thanked her, trying to like the girl who was stealing my best friend away from me.

After the introductions, we walked around the mall for a few hours. The whole time, it was clear that Elliot was trying really hard to be my friend. She complimented everything I touched. She laughed at all my jokes. She really was a nice person.

By the end of our trip, I could totally see why Darla had chosen her for a friend.

“It was nice meeting you, Maya! We should hang out again soon!” Elliot said, giving me another hug. “We definitely should,” I replied. And I really meant it.

Which of the following statements best captures the theme of the text?

Never give up.

Human beings all have the same needs.

Being friendly is better than being jealous.

Don’t say things that you don’t actually mean.

Being friendly is better than being jealous.