Story and moral lessons that shows the adage the early bird catches the bird

Once upon a time, in a peaceful forest, there lived a diligent little bird named Peepers. Peepers was very punctual and always woke up early in the morning to gather food for herself and her family. She would chirp joyfully as she flew from tree to tree, gathering worms and berries to share with her loved ones.

On the other hand, in the neighboring forest, lived a lazy bird named Snoozer. Snoozer loved sleeping in and would often wake up after the sun had risen high in the sky. Consequently, Snoozer would struggle to find enough food for himself and would often go to bed on an empty stomach.

One sunny morning, as Peepers was enthusiastically searching for worms, she noticed that she wasn't the only bird searching for food. She saw Snoozer frantically hopping from one spot to another, desperately trying to find something to eat. With a kind heart, Peepers approached Snoozer and shared some of her gathered worms.

Intrigued by Peepers' generosity, Snoozer asked her how she always had food available. Peepers explained that waking up early allowed her to find her food easily, as there were plenty of worms and berries available in the morning. She also explained that this daily routine had taught her discipline and allowed her to always be prepared for any unexpected circumstances.

Snoozer, realizing the error of his ways, decided to change his habits. He thanked Peepers for her kindness and promised to start waking up early to search for food.

From that day on, Snoozer joined Peepers in her early morning routine. He learned that being proactive and diligent made life simpler and more enjoyable. As the days turned into weeks, Snoozer became more disciplined and responsible, ensuring that he would never go to bed hungry again.

The moral lesson of this story is that the adage, "the early bird catches the worm," holds true. By waking up early and being proactive, Peepers was always prepared, whereas Snoozer's laziness led him to struggle for food. The story teaches us the importance of being disciplined, responsible, and proactive in our lives. It shows that by starting each day with enthusiasm and determination, we can be more successful in achieving our goals and living a satisfying life.