The formula for the area of a triangle is 𝐴𝑟𝑒𝑎 =1/2𝑏ℎ, where b represents the base of the triangle and h represents the height of the rectangle. A triangle has an area of 216 cm2. The base of the triangle is 6 more than twice the height of the triangle. Find the length of the base and height.

Let's assume the height of the triangle to be "h".

According to the given information, the base of the triangle is 6 more than twice the height of the triangle. So, the base will be 2h + 6.

We know that the formula for the area of a triangle is A = (1/2)bh.

Using the given information, we can substitute the values into the formula:

216 = (1/2)(2h + 6)h

Now, we can simplify the equation:

432 = (2h + 6)h

Divide both sides of the equation by 2:

216 = h^2 + 3h

Rearranging the terms, we get:

h^2 + 3h - 216 = 0

We can now factorize this quadratic equation to solve for h:

(h - 9)(h + 24) = 0

So, h can either be 9 or -24. Since height cannot be negative, we discard -24 and take h = 9.

Substituting the value of h into the equation for the base:

base = 2h + 6 = 2(9) + 6 = 18 + 6 = 24

Therefore, the height of the triangle is 9 cm and the base is 24 cm.