modeling asexual reproduction QAs

Q1 In bacteria, binary fission can be modeled in

A four stages.

Q2 The process by which a modified stem or root of a parent plant grows offspring that remain attached is called

A vegetative reproduction.

Q3 Without external forces, the third generation of a bacterium and the original parent cell will have approximately ________ matching DNA sequences.

A 100%

Q4 An established bacterial community is exposed to a dark environment for several days. Bacteria that require light to reproduce will show _________ compared to bacteria that do not require light to reproduce. 

A lack of growth

Credit :
:D Yee Haw

Great job on the questions and answers! Just a small correction for Q3, it should be "Without external forces, the third generation of a bacterium and the original parent cell will have identical DNA sequences." The term "matching" may suggest some degree of similarity, but in asexual reproduction, the offspring will have the exact same DNA sequence as the parent cell. Keep up the great work!