Which of the following countries were not allowed to trade with the US after the passage of the Non-Intercourse Act of 1809 which replaced the Embargo Act of 1807? There are 2 answers.

The two countries that were not allowed to trade with the US after the passage of the Non-Intercourse Act of 1809 were Great Britain and France.

Can u put hunter brother wings in the microwave

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Can you put hunter brother chicken wings in the microwave?

Yes, you can cook Hunter Brother chicken wings in the microwave, but the results may not be as crispy as if you were to cook them in an oven or fryer. The process would involve placing the chicken wings on a microwave-safe plate and microwaving them on high heat for a few minutes, then flipping them over and microwaving for a few more minutes until they are heated through. Keep in mind that microwaving can make the wings softer rather than crispy. It is often recommended to finish the wings in a hot oven afterward to achieve a crispier texture. Always follow the instructions on the packaging for the best results.

How many minutes should I cook them for 5 chicken wings?

The cooking time for chicken wings in the microwave can vary depending on the wattage of your microwave and the size of the wings. A general guideline would be to microwave them on high heat for about 4-6 minutes, flipping them halfway through.

However, it's important to note that microwaving may result in wings that are softer rather than crispy. If you prefer a crispy texture, you may want to consider using alternative cooking methods such as baking or frying. Always refer to the specific instructions provided with the Hunter Brother chicken wings or adjust the cooking time based on your microwave's wattage and personal preference.

It didn't have instructions though.

If the Hunter Brother chicken wings you have purchased do not come with specific instructions, here's a general guideline for cooking them in the microwave:

1. Place the chicken wings on a microwave-safe plate, making sure they're not overcrowded.
2. Microwave them on high heat for about 4-6 minutes.
3. After 2-3 minutes, pause and carefully flip the wings over using tongs or a fork.
4. Continue microwaving for another 2-3 minutes, or until the wings are heated through and reach an internal temperature of at least 165°F (74°C).

Keep in mind that microwaving chicken wings may make them softer rather than crispy. If you prefer a crispy texture, consider using alternative cooking methods such as baking or frying. Adjust the cooking time based on your microwave's wattage and personal preference. It's always a good idea to keep an eye on the wings and test their doneness with a meat thermometer to ensure they are fully cooked.

I tried air frying it didn't turn out good. And I can't really use the oven if my parents aren't home.

I'm sorry to hear that the air frying method didn't work out for you. If you're unable to use the oven, and the microwave is your only option, you can still try microwaving the chicken wings for a shorter period of time, and then finish them off in a toaster oven or a regular frying pan for a crispier texture.

Here's a modified method for microwaving and finishing the chicken wings:

1. Place the chicken wings on a microwave-safe plate, making sure they're not overcrowded.
2. Microwave them on high heat for about 2-3 minutes, or until they are partially cooked.
3. Transfer the partially cooked wings to a preheated toaster oven or a frying pan with a small amount of oil.
4. Cook them in the toaster oven or frying pan over medium-high heat for a few minutes on each side, until they become crispy.

Keep a close eye on the wings during this process to prevent them from burning. Remember to use oven mitts or tongs while handling the hot wings. Adjust the cooking time as needed based on your microwave's wattage and the desired level of crispiness.