solve this problem by writing and solving an inequality. five more than four times a number is less than 25. What are the possible values of the number? show your work

Let's call the number "x".

The problem states: "five more than four times a number is less than 25."

The inequality that represents this statement can be written as:
4x + 5 < 25.

To solve this inequality, we will isolate the variable "x" by performing the following steps:

1. Subtract 5 from both sides of the inequality:
4x < 25 - 5.

4x < 20.

2. Divide both sides of the inequality by 4:
(4x)/4 < 20/4.

x < 5.

Therefore, the possible values of the number "x" are any number less than 5. In interval notation, it can be represented as (-∞, 5).

Simplify and Shorten