begin with a counterclaim, add a rebuttal based off the information below and my thesis statement, Ex, While some may argue, __________________

________________________, on the contrary ____________________________________________
my thesis statement: Although some people may believe that teenagers' self-esteem and confidence can be harmed by likes, it encourages positivity, creativity, and approval of viewers' artwork.

The Information: The argument surrounding Instagram's decision to remove likes highlights some of its advantages, such as encouraging optimism, helping friends, and displaying creative abilities that could lead to opportunities in the real world. In Addition Social media, especially sites like Instagram, has drawn criticism for its possible negative effects on teenagers' mental health, but it can also offer important support and community. People claim that features such as "likes" contribute to encouraging optimism and showing support for friends. Some argue that instead of eliminating features like comments, efforts should focus on addressing harmful aspects to foster a more complete approach to a positive social media environment. Although some people may believe that teenagers' self-esteem and confidence can be harmed by likes, it encourages positivity, creativity, and approval of viewers' artwork. In Addition, social media faces criticism for its impact on teens' mental health, it can also provide community and support. Evidence → According to Melissa Penfold, an Australian interior designer, “A ‘like’ has value beyond its function as a digital ego stroke. Yes, people use social media to explore the lives of others—from friends and family to role models and total strangers—but it’s often in pursuit of better lives themselves”. Reasoning (Instagram users can take advantage of a filtered feed that features highest content thanks to the feature - based review of liked content.) Reasoning (Thus, the act of liking posts enables individuals to gather valuable information and adopt positive behaviors or attitudes that can contribute to their pursuit of better lives.) Furthermore, Likes on social media can also be helpful because they promote creativity, optimism, and acceptance of other users' artwork. . Evidence → __According to research ebsco states, “Part of the fun of Instagram is scrolling through my feed and liking my friends' posts--it's a way to show support. It's also fun to see what posts my friends have liked. That helps me discover new photos, memes, and videos as well as new hashtags to follow. Without likes, none of that would be possible.’’ Reasoning (Promoting friends' content on Instagram by leaving positive likes on their images, videos, or memes, as well as by giving them approval, is a way to engage in social support.) Reasoning (Furthermore, Instagram's "like" feature improves the platform's user experience by promoting community, social support, and helping users find new content by exploring friends' liked posts and related hashtags. )

While some may argue that likes on Instagram can harm teenagers' self-esteem and confidence, on the contrary, it encourages positivity, creativity, and approval of viewers' artwork. The presence of likes on social media platforms such as Instagram can actually be beneficial, as it fosters a sense of optimism and support among users. Melissa Penfold, an Australian interior designer, points out that the act of liking posts on social media is often a pursuit of bettering one's own life. This suggests that likes can serve as a source of inspiration and motivation for individuals, rather than solely an ego stroke.

Additionally, likes on Instagram promote creativity and acceptance of other users' artwork. Research from ebsco states that scrolling through one's feed and liking friends' posts is a way to show support and discover new content. This not only encourages users to showcase their creativity but also allows for the exploration of new photos, memes, videos, and hashtags. By leaving positive likes on friends' content, individuals engage in social support, which contributes to a sense of community on the platform.

Therefore, instead of focusing solely on the potential negative effects of likes on teenagers' self-esteem, it is important to recognize the positive aspects they bring. Likes can serve as sources of encouragement, inspiration, and support, fostering a more positive social media environment. Additionally, the presence of likes allows for the promotion and appreciation of creativity and artwork, creating a space for individuals to express themselves and receive approval from viewers.

did you add the counterclaim and rebuttal

Apologies for missing the explicit mention of the counterclaim and rebuttal in my response. Here is the revised version:

Counterclaim: Some individuals may argue that likes on Instagram can harm teenagers' self-esteem and confidence.
Rebuttal: However, on the contrary, likes on Instagram actually encourage positivity, creativity, and approval of viewers' artwork.

The presence of likes on social media platforms such as Instagram can actually be beneficial. Melissa Penfold, an Australian interior designer, suggests that the act of liking posts on social media is often a pursuit of bettering one's own life, indicating that likes can serve as a source of inspiration and motivation for individuals.

Furthermore, likes on Instagram promote creativity and acceptance of other users' artwork. Research from ebsco emphasizes that scrolling through one's feed and liking friends' posts is a way to show support and discover new content. By leaving positive likes on friends' content, individuals engage in social support, contributing to a sense of community on the platform.

Therefore, instead of solely focusing on the potential negative effects of likes on teenagers' self-esteem, it is important to recognize the positive aspects they bring. Likes can serve as sources of encouragement, inspiration, and support, fostering a more positive social media environment. Additionally, the presence of likes allows for the promotion and appreciation of creativity and artwork, creating a space for individuals to express themselves and receive approval from viewers.

do not add melissa penfold

Counterclaim: Some individuals may argue that likes on Instagram can harm teenagers' self-esteem and confidence.

Rebuttal: However, contrary to this belief, the presence of likes on Instagram encourages positivity, creativity, and approval of viewers' artwork.

While it is argued that likes on Instagram can have a negative impact on teenagers' self-esteem, it is important to consider the positive aspects they bring. Likes can serve as a source of encouragement, motivation, and support for individuals, fostering a sense of optimism. Despite the potential for comparison and self-doubt, likes also provide an opportunity for users to receive affirmation and recognition for their creative work.

Furthermore, the act of liking posts on Instagram promotes acceptance and appreciation of other users' artwork. By leaving positive likes on friends' content, individuals engage in social support and contribute to a sense of community on the platform. It is through this encouragement and sense of belonging that users are able to express their creativity and receive approval from viewers.

Rather than focusing solely on the potential negative effects of likes on teenagers' self-esteem, it is important to recognize the positive impact they can have. Likes encourage users to showcase their creativity, motivate others to pursue their passions, and create a supportive environment on the platform.

In conclusion, while there are arguments that suggest likes on Instagram can be detrimental to teenagers' self-esteem, they actually promote positivity, creativity, and approval of viewers' artwork. The potential for encouragement and support outweighs the negative aspects, contributing to a more positive social media experience.

can you make a different counterclaim

Certainly! Here's a different counterclaim:

Counterclaim: Critics argue that likes on Instagram create a culture of validation-seeking and can lead to a detrimental focus on external validation for teenagers.
Rebuttal: However, contrary to this perspective, the presence of likes on Instagram can encourage positivity, creativity, and approval of viewers' artwork.

While some critics argue that likes on Instagram perpetuate a culture of validation-seeking, it is important to recognize that likes can also serve as a tool for positive reinforcement and motivation. When users receive likes on their posts, it can boost their self-esteem and encourage them to continue sharing their creative work. Rather than solely seeking external validation, individuals can use likes as a form of feedback and encouragement to improve their skills and pursue their passions.

Additionally, likes can help foster a sense of community and connection among users. By showing appreciation for others' artwork through likes, individuals contribute to a supportive environment that celebrates creativity. This can lead to collaboration, inspiration, and the discovery of new ideas and perspectives.

While it is crucial to address any negative aspects or potential pitfalls of likes on Instagram, such as comparison or feelings of inadequacy, it is equally important to highlight the positive impact they can have on teenagers' self-esteem, creativity, and sense of belonging.

In conclusion, despite the counterclaim that likes on Instagram can fuel validation-seeking behavior, they can also encourage positivity, creativity, and approval of artwork. By focusing on the potential for feedback, motivation, and community-building, we can create a healthier and more balanced approach to the use of likes on social media platforms.

combine the counterclaim, and the rebuttal

Counterclaim: Critics argue that likes on Instagram create a culture of validation-seeking and can lead to a detrimental focus on external validation for teenagers.

Rebuttal: However, contrary to this perspective, the presence of likes on Instagram can encourage positivity, creativity, and approval of viewers' artwork.

While it is true that critics argue that likes on Instagram perpetuate a culture of validation-seeking, it is important to consider the potential for positive impacts that likes can have on teenagers. While seeking validation from others can be a concern, likes can also serve as a tool for positive reinforcement and motivation. Rather than solely seeking external validation, individuals can use likes as a form of feedback and encouragement to improve their skills and pursue their passions.

Moreover, likes can help foster a sense of community and connection among users. By showing appreciation for others' artwork through likes, individuals contribute to a supportive environment that celebrates creativity. This sense of support can further inspire teenagers to push their creative boundaries and explore new artistic avenues.

Although it is crucial to address the negative aspects of likes on Instagram, such as the potential for comparison and feelings of inadequacy, it is equally important to acknowledge the potential for likes to encourage teenagers to express themselves creatively and receive recognition for their work. When used positively, likes can foster self-confidence and a sense of accomplishment.

In conclusion, while there are arguments that suggest likes on Instagram can fuel validation-seeking behavior, it is essential to recognize the potential for likes to encourage positivity, creativity, and approval of viewers' artwork. By fostering a supportive environment and directing the focus on self-improvement and artistic expression, the power of likes can be harnessed for the benefit of teenagers' self-esteem and confidence.

use this to combine the counterclaim, and rebuttal together

While some may argue, __________________
________________________, on the contrary ____________________________________________