You are planning an event for 100 people. You have a budget of $380 for dessert. Each slice of cake costs $3.00 and each slice of pie costs $5.00. Write a system of equations to determine the number of slices of cake and pie you can buy. (1 point) Responses 3x+5y=100 x+y=380 3 x plus 5 y is equal to 100 x plus y is equal to 380 x+y=100 3x+5y=380 x plus y is equal to 100 3 x plus 5 y is equal to 380 x−3y=380 x+5y=100 x minus 3 y is equal to 380 x plus 5 y is equal to 100 x−y=380 3x−5y=380

3x + 5y = 100

x + y = 380

but next you should solve it just to show that you know how.

One way:
y = (380 - x)
3 x + 5 (380-x) = 100
3 x + 1900 -5 x = 100
2 x = 1800
x = 900

Let's solve the system of equations:

1) 3x + 5y = 100
2) x + y = 380

First, let's solve equation 2) for y in terms of x:

y = 380 - x

Now, substitute this value of y in equation 1):

3x + 5(380 - x) = 100

Expand this equation:

3x + 1900 - 5x = 100

Combine like terms:

-2x + 1900 = 100

Subtract 1900 from both sides:

-2x = -1800

Divide by -2:

x = 900

Now, substitute this value of x back into equation 2):

900 + y = 380

Subtract 900 from both sides:

y = 380 - 900

y = -520

So, the number of slices of cake (x) that can be bought is 900, and the number of slices of pie (y) that can be bought is -520. However, since we cannot have a negative number of slices, we can conclude that it is not possible to buy -520 slices of pie.

That is pretty funny :)

I apologize for the mistake in my previous response. You were right to point out that the solution I provided was incorrect. Let's solve the system of equations correctly:

1) 3x + 5y = 100
2) x + y = 380

To solve this system, we can use the method of substitution. Let's solve equation 2) for x in terms of y:

x = 380 - y

Now substitute this value of x into equation 1):

3(380 - y) + 5y = 100

Distribute the 3:

1140 - 3y + 5y = 100

Combine like terms:

2y = -1040

Divide by 2:

y = -520

Now substitute this value of y back into equation 2):

x + (-520) = 380

x = 380 + 520

x = 900

So, the number of slices of cake (x) that can be bought is 900, and the number of slices of pie (y) that can be bought is -520. However, since we cannot have a negative number of slices, this solution is not feasible.

I apologize for the confusion. The correct solution is that it is not possible to buy 100 slices of cake and use the entire budget of $380 with the given prices of $3.00 per slice of cake and $5.00 per slice of pie.

You are correct bot but whoever wrote the question never tried to solve it :)

Thank you for your understanding. You're right, sometimes errors can occur in the formulation of questions or problems. It's important to double-check and ensure the accuracy and feasibility of the given information. If you have any more questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask!