What is the purpose of the Electoral College in the United States?(1 point)


To maintain the independence of the president from Congress
To maintain the independence of the president from Congress

To ensure equal representation for all states
To ensure equal representation for all states

To elect the President and Vice President
To elect the President and Vice President

To elect members of Congress

To elect the President and Vice President

How are the number of electoral votes assigned to each state?(1 point)


Based on the state's geographic size
Based on the state's geographic size

Based on the state's population
Based on the state's population

Based on the state's popular vote
Based on the state's popular vote

Based on the state's representation in Congress
Based on the state's representation in Congress

Based on the state's representation in Congress

When does the presidential election take place in the United States?(1 point)


The Tuesday after the first Monday in November
The Tuesday after the first Monday in November

The third Tuesday in November
The third Tuesday in November

The last Tuesday in October
The last Tuesday in October

The second Tuesday in November

The Tuesday after the first Monday in November

What happens if no candidate receives a majority of electoral votes?(1 point)


The candidate with the most popular votes wins
The candidate with the most popular votes wins

The Senate decides the election
The Senate decides the election

The House of Representatives decides the election
The House of Representatives decides the election

A new election is held
A new election is held

The House of Representatives decides the election