what are renewable resources ad what is not

Renewable resources are resources that can be replenished naturally or through sustainable practices. They are considered unlimited or virtually limitless in supply and do not cause harm to the environment. Some examples of renewable resources include:

1. Solar energy: Energy obtained from the sun, which can be converted into electricity through solar panels.
2. Wind energy: Energy harnessed from the wind using wind turbines to generate electricity.
3. Hydroelectric power: Energy obtained from flowing or falling water, which is used to run turbines and produce electricity.
4. Biomass: Organic matter such as wood, crop residues, or animal waste that can be burned as fuel or converted into biofuels.
5. Geothermal energy: Heat sourced from within the Earth's crust, which can be used for heating, cooling, and electricity generation.

Non-renewable resources, on the other hand, are finite in supply and take millions of years to form. They do not replenish naturally at a speed that keeps up with their consumption. Some examples of non-renewable resources include:

1. Fossil fuels: Coal, oil, and natural gas formed from ancient organic matter, which are burned to produce energy and release greenhouse gases.
2. Minerals: Resources like gold, silver, copper, iron, and uranium, which are obtained through mining and are not replenished within human timescales.
3. Nuclear energy: Uranium and plutonium, which are used in nuclear power plants for electricity generation and are considered non-renewable due to limited uranium reserves.
4. Natural gases: Once extracted, natural gases are not naturally replenished as quickly as they are consumed.

It is important to note that while some resources may be classified as renewable or non-renewable, their sustainability and environmental impact may vary depending on extraction methods and usage practices.

which is not renewable coal,grass,eggs,steel

Out of the options you provided, coal and steel are not renewable resources.

1. Coal: Coal is a fossil fuel formed from the remains of plants that lived millions of years ago. It is mined from the earth and used mainly for electricity generation and industrial processes. Since coal takes millions of years to form and is extracted at a much faster rate than its formation, it is considered a non-renewable resource.

2. Steel: Steel is an alloy of iron and carbon, primarily derived from iron ore. Iron ore is obtained through mining, and the iron is processed to produce steel. While iron ore is abundant, the process of extracting and manufacturing steel requires intensive energy and resources. Steel itself is not a renewable resource as it relies on finite reserves of iron ore.

On the other hand, grass and eggs are considered renewable resources:

1. Grass: Grass is a type of vegetation that grows naturally in various environments. It is considered a renewable resource as it regrows or reseeds naturally, providing a continuous source of food for grazing animals and supporting ecosystems.

2. Eggs: Eggs can be considered renewable as they are produced by animals, such as chickens, on a regular basis. As long as the animals producing the eggs are well-cared for and their populations are maintained, eggs can be sustainably produced.