Kairay created a sculpture by forming a hemisphere with a radius of 20 inches and then removing a hemisphere with a radius of 15 inches calculate the volume of his sculpture

The volume of a hemisphere is (2/3)πr^3. Therefore, the volume of the larger hemisphere with a radius of 20 inches is (2/3)π(20)^3 = (2/3)π(8000) = 16,000π/3.

The volume of the smaller hemisphere with a radius of 15 inches is (2/3)π(15)^3 = (2/3)π(3375) = 2250π.

To calculate the volume of the sculpture, we subtract the volume of the smaller hemisphere from the volume of the larger hemisphere: (16,000π/3) - (2250π) = (16,000π - 6750π)/3 = 9250π/3.

Therefore, the volume of the sculpture is 9250π/3 cubic inches.