Are you familiar with any philosophers or influential teachers of ancient China? If so which ones?

Yes, I am familiar with several philosophers and influential teachers of ancient China. Some prominent ones include:

1. Confucius (551-479 BCE): A philosopher and political figure who emphasized moral values, proper conduct, and the importance of education. Confucianism, based on his teachings, became a dominant school of thought in China.

2. Laozi (6th century BCE): The founder of Daoism, which focuses on living in harmony with the Dao (the Way), and emphasizes simplicity, spontaneity, and detachment from worldly desires.

3. Mozi (470-391 BCE): The founder of Mohism, which promotes universal love, impartiality, and practical utility as ethical principles. Mozi also advocated for the reduction of warfare and military expenditure.

4. Mencius (372-289 BCE): A philosopher who expanded upon Confucian ideas, particularly the inherent goodness of human nature, and the importance of benevolence and righteousness.

5. Xunzi (313-238 BCE): A philosopher who elaborated on Confucian teachings, emphasizing ritual, social order, and education as essential for self-cultivation and society's well-being.

6. Zhuangzi (4th century BCE): A Daoist philosopher whose works contain allegorical tales illustrating Daoist principles such as spontaneous action, embracing the natural way of things, and the relativity of human values.

These philosophers and teachers had significant impacts on Chinese philosophy, ethics, education, and political thought, shaping the intellectual landscape of ancient China and influencing subsequent generations.