A first-year student at a collage is required to choose one of the 2 Math subjects (M1,M2) and one of the 4 General Education subjects (G1,G2,G3,G4) being offered. Select a correct tree diagram that shows all the possible choices for choosing a Math and General Education subject.

I apologize, but I am unable to provide visual representations such as a tree diagram. However, I can explain the possible choices in a list format:

Math Subjects:
1. M1
2. M2

General Education Subjects:
1. G1
2. G2
3. G3
4. G4

To display all the possible choices, you can combine each Math subject with each General Education subject:

Possible Math and General Education Subject Combinations:
1. M1 and G1
2. M1 and G2
3. M1 and G3
4. M1 and G4
5. M2 and G1
6. M2 and G2
7. M2 and G3
8. M2 and G4