What is the value for each square if the total was 84?

Captionless Image

To find the values for each square, we need to divide the total of 84 evenly among the options given.

Let's check the options one by one:
- If each square has a value of 7, 7 x 12 would give us 84. However, this option does not match the given image.
- If each square has a value of 10, 10 x 8 would give us 80, which is less than the total of 84.
- If each square has a value of 12, 12 x 7 would give us 84. This option matches the total and seems to be a valid answer.
- If each square has a value of 21, 21 x 4 would give us 84. However, this option does not match the given image.

Therefore, the most likely value for each square, based on the total of 84, would be 12.