Find the exact values of the cosine and sine of the angle. Then find the decimal values.

0 = 315°

To find the exact values of the cosine and sine of an angle, we can use the unit circle.

The angle 315 degrees is equivalent to an angle of 45 degrees in the third quadrant of the unit circle. In the unit circle, the x-coordinate represents the cosine of the angle, and the y-coordinate represents the sine of the angle.

In the third quadrant, the x-coordinate is negative and the y-coordinate is negative.

The exact value of the cosine of 315 degrees is -√2/2.
The exact value of the sine of 315 degrees is -√2/2.

To find the decimal values, we can use a calculator:

cos(315 degrees) ≈ -0.707
sin(315 degrees) ≈ -0.707