An engineer wants to know the volume of the following object composed by its a hemisphere and a cone she knows the height of the cone is equal to the demeanor of the hemisphere and the volume of the cone is 12 m 3 what is the volume of the whole object

To find the volume of the entire object, which is composed of a hemisphere and a cone, we need to find the volume of each component separately and then add them together.

Height of the cone = diameter of the hemisphere
Volume of the cone (Vcone) = 12 m^3

We know that the volume of a cone is given by the formula Vcone = (1/3) * π * r^2 * h, where r is the radius of the cone and h is the height of the cone.

Since the height of the cone is equal to the diameter of the hemisphere, we can say the radius of the cone (r) is equal to half the diameter of the hemisphere.

Let's assume the radius of the hemisphere is 'R'. Therefore, the radius of the cone = R/2.

Now we can find the volume of the cone using the given volume:

12 = (1/3) * π * (R/2)^2 * h [Substituting the values in the formula]
12 = (1/3) * π * R^2 * h / 4 [Simplifying]
12 = (π * R^2 * h) / 12 [Multiplying both sides by 4]
4 = π * R^2 * h / 12 [Simplifying]

We can simplify this equation to: 1 = (π * R^2 * h) / 48

Now, let's calculate the volume of the hemisphere.

The volume of a hemisphere is given by the formula Vhemi = (2/3) * π * R^3

Since the height of the cone is equal to the diameter of the hemisphere, the height of the cone is equal to 2R.

Therefore, substituting the value of h in terms of R, we get:

1 = (π * R^2 * 2R) / 48 [Substituting the value of h in the previous equation]
1 = (2π * R^3) / 48 [Simplifying]

Now, we can equate the above equation with the volume formula of the hemisphere as follows:

(2π * R^3) / 48 = (2/3) * π * R^3 [Equating the two formulas]

Now, let's solve this equation:

(2π * R^3) / 48 = (2/3) * π * R^3 [Simplifying]
2 / 48 = 2 / 3 [Canceling out the same terms]
1/24 = 2/3 [Simplifying]

But 1/24 ≠ 2/3, so this equation cannot be true. Hence, there is an error in the given information or formulation.

Please recheck the question or provide any additional information to accurately solve it.