A concession stand sold 356 hot dogs on Monday and 232 on Tuesday.

It sold 215 sausages on Monday and 283 sausages on Tuesday.
Did the concession stand sell more hot dogs or sausages on Monday and Tuesday?

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The concession stand sold Response area hot dogs and Response area sausages on Monday and Tuesday.

So, the concession stand sold more Response area.

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The concession stand sold 356 + 232 = <<356+232=588>>588 hot dogs on Monday and Tuesday.

The concession stand sold 215 + 283 = <<215+283=498>>498 sausages on Monday and Tuesday.
Therefore, the concession stand sold more hot dogs.

how many hot dogs and sausages please

The concession stand sold 588 hot dogs and 498 sausages on Monday and Tuesday.

To determine whether the concession stand sold more hot dogs or sausages on Monday and Tuesday, we need to compare the total number of hot dogs sold to the total number of sausages sold.

To get the answer, we can add up the number of hot dogs sold on Monday and Tuesday, and separately add up the number of sausages sold on Monday and Tuesday. Then we compare the totals.

On Monday, the concession stand sold 356 hot dogs and 215 sausages.

On Tuesday, the concession stand sold 232 hot dogs and 283 sausages.

To find the total number of hot dogs sold, we add 356 and 232: 356 + 232 = 588.

To find the total number of sausages sold, we add 215 and 283: 215 + 283 = 498.

Since 588 is greater than 498, the concession stand sold more hot dogs than sausages on Monday and Tuesday.

Therefore, the concession stand sold 588 hot dogs and 498 sausages on Monday and Tuesday. The concession stand sold more hot dogs.