The ways to move past failures are (check all that apply)

Accept that failure is a reality

Learn, reflect, and learn more

Remember past failures

Listen to others who want to help

Seek support from friends and family

Set new goals and create a plan

Stay positive and optimistic

Practice self-compassion and forgive oneself

Take responsibility for any mistakes

Focus on solutions and problem-solving

Take action and keep trying

Stay persistent and resilient

Embrace failure as a learning opportunity

Seek professional help or guidance if needed

Those are not part of the options

I apologize for the confusion. Here are the options based on the given choices:

- Accept that failure is a reality
- Learn, reflect, and learn more
- Remember past failures
- Listen to others who want to help

To move past failures, you can implement several strategies. Let's go through each option provided and see how it can help you:

1. Accept that failure is a reality: Recognizing that failure is a natural part of life can be a crucial step in moving forward. By acknowledging that everyone experiences failure at some point, you avoid dwelling on self-blame and negative emotions. This acceptance allows you to shift your focus towards learning from your mistakes and finding new approaches.

2. Learn, reflect, and learn more: Failure provides valuable opportunities for growth and learning. Take the time to analyze what went wrong, identify the factors that contributed to the failure, and reflect on how you can improve in the future. Continuously seeking knowledge and looking for ways to enhance your skills will help you overcome failures more effectively.

3. Remember past failures: Reflecting on past failures can be beneficial, but it's important to do so in a constructive way. Rather than dwelling on negative emotions or self-doubt, use past failures as motivation to improve. Remember the lessons learned and the resilience developed through those experiences. Keeping in mind your past failures can provide valuable context and drive you to strive for better outcomes.

4. Listen to others who want to help: Seeking support and guidance from others can be immensely helpful when moving past failures. Surround yourself with a supportive network of friends, family, mentors, or colleagues who genuinely want to assist you in overcoming setbacks. Actively listen to their advice, perspectives, and insights, as they may offer new strategies or provide a fresh outlook on your situation.

By implementing these strategies, you can effectively move past failures and use them as stepping stones toward success.