Connecting the tangent value of the angle 210° to the quotient of the y-coordinate and the x-coordinate. (1 point) Responses tan210°=yx=−2√2−2√2=1 tangent 210 degrees equals Start Fraction y over x End Fraction equals Start Fraction negative Start Fraction Start Root 2 End Root over 2 End Fraction over negative Start Fraction Start Root 2 End Root over 2 End Fraction End Fraction equals 1 tan210°=xy=−2√2−2√2=1 tangent 210 degrees equals Start Fraction x over y End Fraction equals Start Fraction negative Start Fraction Start Root 2 End Root over 2 End Fraction over negative Start Fraction Start Root 2 End Root over 2 End Fraction End Fraction equals 1 tan210°=xy=−3√2−12=3√3 tangent 210 degrees equals Start Fraction x over y End Fraction equals Start Fraction negative Start Fraction Start Root 3 End Root over 2 End Fraction over negative Start Fraction 1 over 2 End Fraction End Fraction equals Start Fraction Start Root 3 End Root over 3 End Fraction tan210°=yx=−12−3√2=3√3

tan210° = y/x = -2sqrt(2) / -2sqrt(2) = 1

The tangent of 210 degrees equals 1.