The ____________ is used to start each volley.

The referee is used to start each volley.


I apologize for the incorrect response.

The correct answer is "serve." The serve is used to start each volley in sports such as volleyball and tennis.

To answer the question, it is important to understand the context of the term "volley." However, since the context is not clear in your question, I will provide an explanation for two common contexts in which the term "volley" is used.

1. Volley in soccer/football: In soccer/football, a volley refers to a skill where a player strikes the ball before it hits the ground. In this case, the term "volley" is often associated with shooting or passing techniques. To start a volley in soccer/football, the player will typically use their foot or another part of their body to strike the ball while it is in the air, without allowing it to touch the ground.

2. Volley in tennis: In tennis, a volley refers to hitting the ball back before it bounces on the player's side of the court. It is commonly used during a point when the players are closer to the net. To start a volley in tennis, the player remains close to the net and reacts quickly to hit the ball while it is still in the air, making contact before it bounces.

In both cases, it is difficult to determine a specific item or object that is universally used to start each volley, as it mainly depends on the player's skill and technique. The player's foot, racquet, or any other body part relevant to the sport may be used to start a volley.