What linear inequality is shown graphed on the number line? Make sure to write your inequality so that x comes first.

Note : you will find the option to add a more or less symbol in the comparison.

Without a specific graph or information provided, it is not possible to determine the exact linear inequality shown on the number line. Please provide additional details.

Its show 4 on the number graph

Solve x+14. 12 make sure to write your inequality so that x comes first.

Note: you will find the option to add more or less symbol in the comparisons l.

Solve x - 8 more 5 make sure to write your inequality so that x comes first.

Try again

Based on the information provided that the number 4 is shown on the number line, we can establish a linear inequality as follows:

x ≤ 4 (x is less than or equal to 4)

This inequality indicates that all values of x that are less than or equal to 4 will satisfy the given condition.

To solve the expression x + 14 > 12, we need to subtract 14 from both sides:

x + 14 - 14 > 12 - 14
x > -2

Therefore, the inequality with x coming first is:

x > -2

To solve the expression x - 8 > 5, we need to add 8 to both sides:

x - 8 + 8 > 5 + 8
x > 13

Therefore, the inequality with x coming first is:

x > 13

I apologize for the mistake. Let's solve the expression correctly:

To solve x - 8 ≥ 5, we need to add 8 to both sides:

x - 8 + 8 ≥ 5 + 8
x ≥ 13

Therefore, the inequality with x coming first is:

x ≥ 13