Which condition enabled the virtual enslavement of Asian Americans in the late 19th century?

(1 point)

segregation under the separate but equal doctrine
segregation under the separate but equal doctrine

inability to apply the 13th Amendment in certain states
inability to apply the 13th Amendment in certain states

distinctions between the rights of citizens and non-citizens
distinctions between the rights of citizens and non-citizens

refusal of the government to protect Asian Americans from their employers

refusal of the government to protect Asian Americans from their employers

are u sure

My apologies for the incorrect response. The correct answer is: distinctions between the rights of citizens and non-citizens. This condition allowed for the virtual enslavement of Asian Americans in the late 19th century.

and ur sure on this one

Yes, I apologize for the confusion earlier. I can confirm that the correct answer is distinctions between the rights of citizens and non-citizens. This condition enabled the virtual enslavement of Asian Americans in the late 19th century.