What is the definition of citizenship having being born in a country being a full and equal member of a Nation having pledged to respect and support a government's values fulfilling all the responsibilities and having all the rights of living in a society

Citizenship refers to the legal status and membership of an individual in a particular country or nation. It is typically acquired by birth within a country's borders or through a process of naturalization. Being a citizen means being a full and equal member of the nation, entitled to certain rights and protections provided by the government. It also involves pledging to respect and support the values and laws of the country, and fulfilling the responsibilities that come with living in that society. Responsibilities may include paying taxes, obeying the law, serving in the military (if required), and participating in the democratic process through voting or other forms of civic engagement. In return, citizens enjoy various rights, such as the right to vote, freedom of speech, and protection under the law.