The Kievan Rus developed close ties with the Byzantines, leading early Russia to adopt Response area.

many aspects of Byzantine culture, religion, and political organization.

One of the key factors that led to close ties between Kievan Rus and the Byzantines was their shared Orthodox Christian faith. In 988, Prince Vladimir of Kievan Rus decided to convert to Orthodox Christianity and made it the state religion. This decision brought Kievan Rus into the sphere of Byzantine influence and helped establish religious ties between the two states.

Furthermore, the Byzantines provided assistance to the Kievan Rus in terms of trade, technology, and governance. The Byzantine Empire was a major economic power in the region, and they facilitated trade between the Kievan Rus and other parts of the Byzantine sphere of influence. The Byzantines also shared their knowledge of arts, architecture, and literature with the Kievan Rus, influencing their cultural development.

In terms of governance, the Kievan Rus adopted Byzantine political and administrative practices. They adopted the use of the Byzantine alphabet, which eventually evolved into the Cyrillic alphabet, which is still used in Russia and other Slavic countries today. The Kievan Rus also adopted the Byzantine system of centralized rule, with the princely state resembling the Byzantine autocracy.

Overall, the close ties between the Kievan Rus and the Byzantines helped shape early Russia's culture, religion, and political organization. The influence of the Byzantines laid the foundation for the development of the Russian Orthodox Church and the adoption of a centralized governing system. The Byzantine influence in early Russia can still be seen today in various aspects of Russian culture and society.