in witting, what is a conclusion

In writing, a conclusion is the final paragraph or section that summarizes the main points or arguments presented in the body of the text. It provides closure to the reader and reinforces the writer's main idea or thesis statement. The conclusion often restates the thesis in a concise manner and may also offer a final thought, recommendation, or call to action. It is a crucial part of any written work as it aims to leave the reader with a lasting impression and a sense of completion.

a central idea

the overall topic
final thought about a topic
supporting details
choose an answer to the following qeustion

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in witting, what is a conclusion

a central idea
the overall topic
final thought about a topic
supporting details
choose an answer to the following qeustion

Based on the provided options:

A conclusion in writing refers to the final paragraph or section that summarizes the main points or arguments presented in the body of the text. It provides closure to the reader and reinforces the writer's main idea or thesis statement. Therefore, the correct answer is "a final thought about a topic."

In writing, a conclusion refers to the final part of an essay, article, or any other written piece of work. It is where the writer summarizes the main points, arguments, or ideas discussed in the body of the text and provides a closing statement or perspective.

To write a strong conclusion, consider the following steps:

1. Review the main points: Summarize the key ideas or arguments that have been presented in the body of your work. This helps to remind the reader of the supporting evidence and the main focus of your writing.

2. Restate the thesis: Echoing your thesis statement in different words can reinforce the main message of your work and remind the reader of its importance. However, avoid simply copying and pasting the original thesis.

3. Provide a final thought: Use the conclusion as an opportunity to leave a lasting impression on the reader. Consider offering a final insight, reflection, or striking statement that adds depth to your work or leaves the reader with something to ponder.

4. Keep it concise: A conclusion should be brief and to the point. It is recommended to avoid introducing new information or expanding on new ideas, as it may confuse the reader or diminish the clarity of your work.

Remember, the purpose of a conclusion is to wrap up your writing by bringing together the main points and leaving the reader with a sense of closure.